
While this document does not preclude the Omnitude Foundation from offering holders of ECOM tokens a share of the fees and revenue generated from the commercial applications of the Omnitude ecosystem, such offer, if any, and the extent thereof, will be at the sole and absolute discretion of the Omnitude Foundation. Accordingly, there is no assurance whatsoever as to whether such offer will be made and holders of ECOM tokens should not have any expectation of receiving such an offer.

Technical Implementation
Core Principles
Any entity participating in eCommerce (e.g. merchant, customer, supplier, courier, affiliate/referrer, or Omnitude specialist) will be able to join the Omnitude ecosystem. They will be granted an OID by the Omnitude Foundation and will run a full or partial node. Depending on their role, the Omnitude Foundation will assign the appropriate level of access required to transact in the ecosystem.
Each new full node will improve the security and reliability of the Omnitude ecosystem. ECOM tokens will provide an economic incentive to secure ecosystem infrastructure, and serve as the method of settlement between participants to access ecosystem resources.

Additionally, Omnitude will prevent unauthorised parties from ascertaining the identity and patterns of behaviour of any other participant by inspecting the ledger. Omnitude will allow ecosystem participants to make certain details of a transaction confidential, so that they cannot be accessed by anyone other than the stakeholders in the transaction

Omnitude will provide deep searchability, backwards in time through many transaction layers, to fulfil the requirements of retrieving data stored on its blockchain.
Omnitude will use ‘anchoring’, i.e. creation of a proof linking off-ledger data to a Omnitude blockchain transaction. Through anchoring, this proof can be used to verify data integrity and timestamp without relying on a trusted authority.

Core Features
Omnitude will be built on top of Hyperledger, the open source, global, collaborative project hosted by The Linux Foundation. Hyperledger is a permissioned blockchain protocol which enables business-to-consumer and business-to-business transactions.
The Hyperledger project has been created to advance cross-industry blockchain technologies, and is supported by dozens of well-known, leading companies in multiple sectors.
The choice to use Hyperledger will provide the fully-vetted, open source architecture, and transparency, longevity, interoperability and support, needed to bring Omnitude to mainstream commercial adoption.

Identity and auditability
The Omnitude Foundation will manage user OIDs and authenticate all participants on the network. It will be possible to use access control lists to provide further layers of permission through authorization of specific network operations. For example, a specific user ID could be permitted to invoke a smart contract application, but blocked from deploying a new smart contract.

Private transactions and confidential contracts
If transaction patterns can be observed and interpreted, shared ledgers risk disclosing confidential details about business relationships that should not be revealed to competitors. Even a given participant’s relative volume of trade is commercial information that should not be revealed by a system supporting trade between parties.

Principal Requirements
DPBFT consensus, anchored in Bitcoin
Omnitude will use the DBPFT (Delegated Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance) consensus algorithm. DPBFT is an Omnitude-specific algorithm derived from Practical Byzantine
Fault Tolerance.
For each block, N ‘validators’ will be selected randomly from the known membership of full nodes. One of these ‘validators’ will be selected randomly as ‘leader’ and then order transactions to include in the block. The node will then broadcast this list to all other ‘validators’. Each ‘validator’ will execute this list of transactions, calculate the hash code for the newly created block, and then broadcast this hash code to the network.

Trust Anchor
Omnitude’s blockchain will be anchored in the Bitcoin and Ethereum blockchains. Periodically Omnitude will take every piece of meaningful data in its system and compute a single hash that can be used to verify the system’s state, given the original data.

Smart Contracts
Smart Contracts will be self-executing agreements between parties where all relevant covenants will have been spelled out in code, will be settled automatically, and which can be made dependent upon future signatures or trigger events. Smart Contract applications will encode logic invoked by specific transaction types on the channel.
Performance and scalability
Omnitude will leverage Hyperledger’s design for performance over the long term. Omnitude ledgers must be able to operate continuously for very many years, and allow discoverability, search, identity resolution and other key functions in user-acceptable timeframes. Omnitude must also be able to handle substantial expansion of the user base without performance degradation.

The diagram below shows the Omnitude architecture and reflects the Hyperledger
reference architecture.
This architecture will be aligned into a logical structure with three categories: Membership, Blockchain and Smart Contracts.
Participants in the Omnitude ecosystem will need to register with membership services to obtain an OID with access and transaction authority on the network. Omnitude will operate as a permissive permissioned-blockchain, to allow both ease of access and support for rapid and high adoption.

Membership Services
Membership Services will manage identity, privacy and confidentiality on Omnitude. Participants will register to obtain OIDs. This will enable the Omnitude Foundation to issue security keys for transacting. Auditability will allow auditors to view transactions relating to a participant, if each auditor has been granted proper access authority by the participants.

Registration will offer the control and management of authorizations for Omnitude participation, to restrict access to the network.

Identity Management
Identity Management will provide management of assurance, and authorized disclosure of association of identities and roles to Omnitude participants. The identities of transacting parties can be concealed.

Auditability will offer the capability to provide authorized entities the means to link transactions of individual users, or groups of users, and to access a given user’s activity, or the operation of the system itself.

Blockchain will manage the distributed Omnitude ledger through a p2p protocol built on HTTP/2. The data structures will be optimized to provide efficient schemas for maintaining the world state replicated at many participants. The DPBFT algorithm will guarantee
strong consistency.

Blockchain Services
Blockchain services will comprises four key components: DPBFT, P2P Protocol, Distributed Ledger, and Ledger Storage.

The DPBFT consensus protocol receives transactions, and determines how to organize and when to execute them. Successful execution of transactions results in ledger changes.

P2P Protocol
As with Hyperledger, P2P Protocol will use Google Remote Procedure Call implemented over HTTP/2 standards. This will provide the network protocol (“gossip network”) with many capabilities including bidirectional streaming, flow control and multiplexing requests over a single connection. It will also work with existing Internet infrastructure, including firewalls, proxies and security.

Distributed Ledger
Distributed Ledger will manage the blockchain and the world state by implementing
three key attributes:

Efficient calculation of a cryptographic hash of the entire dataset after each block.

Efficient transmission of a minimal ‘delta’ of changes to the dataset, whenever a peer node is out of sync and needs to ‘catch up’.

Minimize the amount of stored data required for each peer to operate.
Distributed Ledger will use RocksDB to persist the dataset, and build an internal data structure to represent the state satisfying the above three attributes.

Omnitude will support two transaction types: code-deploying, and code-invoking.
A code-deploying transaction will be able to submit, update or terminate a piece of smart contract, and the validating node will then need to protect the authenticity and integrity of the code and its execution environment.

Smart Contracts
A smart contract will be a decentralized transactional program, running on validating nodes.
Omnitude will provide smart contract applications to embed and execute common eCommerce business logic.
The world state will represent the state of every smart contract. Each smart contract will be assigned its own state to be used to store data in a key-value format (keys and values will be arbitrary byte arrays). The world state will also contain the block number to which
it corresponds.

Smart Contracts (continued)
As transactions are run in a new block, a delta from the world state in the last block on the blockchain will be maintained. If consensus is reached for the current block, the changes will be committed to the database, and the world state block number will be incremented by
1. If peers do not reach consensus, the delta will be discarded and the database will
not be modified.
Smart Contract Services
Smart Contracts Services will provide a secured, lightweight way to sandbox smart
contracts executing on validating nodes.
Secured Container
Smart Contract Services will use Docker to host the smart contract without relying on
any virtual machine or computer language. The environment will be a “locked down”
and secured container.

Secure Registry
Secure Registry will enable Secured Docker Registry of base Omnitude images and custom images containing smart contracts.
Network Topology
Omnitude will run as a cloud hosted, multiple network environment, with peer nodes hosted by any cloud provider and able to connect to one another over HTTPs. Users will run peer nodes, and may also run validating nodes if they chose to.
Application programming interface
Omnitude will include the REST and JSON RPC APIs, events, and an SDK for applications to communicate with the network.
Typically, applications will interact with a peer node, which will require some form of authentication to ensure that the entity has proper privilege; messages from a client will be signed by the client identity and verified by the peer node. Applications will also be able to interact directly with the Omnitude core.

Omnitude will provide a set of Command Line Interfaces (CLIs) to administer and manage the network. It will also be possible to use CLI during development to test smart contracts. REST APIs and SDK will be built on top of JSON-RPC API.
The API will span the following categories:
dentity Address Transaction
Smart contract Blockchain Network
Storage Event

Application model
In line with the Hyperledger protocol, an Omnitude application will follow a MVC-B
architecture – Model, View, Control, Blockchain.

VIEW LOGIC – Mobile or Web UI will interact with control logic.
● CONTROL LOGIC – Will coordinate between UI, Data Model and Omnitude APIs to drive transitions and smart contracts.
● DATA MODEL – Application Data Model – will manage off-chain data, including documents and large files.
● BLOCKCHAIN LOGIC – Blockchain logic will be extensions of the Controller Logic and Data Model into the Blockchain realm. Controller logic will be enhanced by smart contracts, and the data model will be enhanced with transactions on the blockchain.

username : kaosbodol998
link profil btt :;u=2038594
erc20 : 0x02d62831bc3cC5F2BBDE885fcE40771b3206f19E


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